Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I really hate my livejournal so I'm going to start a new one here

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Here it is been a week and still it bothers me...
Did the thought of me at all cross your mind at that moment?
Or is it as I fear, that you never think of me at all?
All signs point to the latter...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Please let me know that you haven't forgotten I'm here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Have you forgotten?

The scent of me
the touch of me
The whole of me
and all that that implies?

There isn't anything beyond this...I cannot know what lies tommorrow and further even, next week, next month, next year....and I must know what I can count on, and what I cannot.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I'm very impressive

Check out this pimpshit right here:

And this stupid freaking integral...which I didn't have to do, and wouldn't have done if I had realized the damn thing was conservative and therefore independent of path...what a moron. Oh well, brute force works occasionally, I guess.

I think I'm done with my Christmas shopping for now, or at least done enough to put the rest of it off till next weekend. So that's a relief as well. Here comes the weekend!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Mary, did you know?

So tommorrow is the last day of classes. Partly I am pleased but also I am a little sad...because I had a good semester this time around...really the only class I want to end is American Lit...which wasn't even so bad since Chris and I had it together.

I took the telescope out the other night and looked at the Orion Nebula. It seems funny to much qualifies as a "nebula", all these entirely unrelated things. Even the great galaxy in Andromeda was known as the Andromeda Nebula before people figured out about galaxies.

Tonight I was driving home from singing practice and all this fog was already rolling in (you people and your hills and their fog), and it made everything so nebulous and shrouded and ethereal--cars swathed in halos of white glowing mist, lights seperate and fuzzy and hovering off the ground, and I I wasn't even there.

I think I'm going to bake this weekend. Maybe tommorrow or Saturday, depending on when I go shopping...I have to do some Christmas shopping this weekend...I do so love giving (and also recieving hint hint) Christmas presents. But anyway I'm going to bake because I have a lovely new oven and range, OH MY GOD IT'S BEAUTIFUL, I weep when I see it and it's convection oven and gas burners, oh how I weep.

If I peck at you it's because I've accidentally mistaken you for corn.

I don't think there's terribly alot that can keep my attention anymore if it's not scientific in some way, or really geeky. Or if it just appeals to that part of me that totally doesn't exist. The part that likes family films and happy endings. Not that I have a part like that.

"To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit." ~ Stephen Hawking

Goddamnit, NASA, get on the ball. Send people to Hubble. They're ready and willing. We have to take risks to make ourselves better. I really think space is what is left for us. We can't let ourselves stop trying. It's time we said hello to the Moon again. Next time let's stay for awhile.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Long December

Maybe it's the darkness. Maybe it's the cold. Maybe it's the lonely sort of sense the scenery exudes. There is something about these late November, early December days that eat at me. I know, I know, how stereotypical. But all the same...